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The Forgotten Renegades

Renegade (N): a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.

"Those who abandon their loyalty to the King, and Kingdom of Trist, shall hence forth be wanted criminals, known as Renegades"
Kings proclamation, 1361

Choose from the selection of below, learn about this world, and get to know the unique characters that reside within them .

BG by @annoyinglycute

The Kingdom of Trist

Rozina Gallagher

Gender: cis woman
Sexuality: Pansexual
Age: 26
Birthday: 4/51/1373
Likes: Plants and flowers, the ocean, learning, magic, rum.
Dislikes: senseless killing, the King, large crowds

Rozina is the result of an affair between a mage and the current King of Trist. Upon her birth, her father, the King, was angered because he had not been bless with a boy to become his heir. The king cast her mother out into a Blizzard to die and kept the child, keeping her hidden from the public.
Years later, she learned of her fathers deception, and her mothers fate. Unable to bear the agony, she ran, fleeing to the Malvado Forest, where no one dares to enter. Now she must learn to survive on her own while being a Renegade.


Welcome to the Kingdom of Trist , a prosperous land filled with magic and wonder. The Kingdom of Trist is a monarchy, founded by the Salazar family in 1226 when they settled there after fleeing from dangerous lands with a large group of humans. What started as a small port town has now grown into a grand country with five thriving cities and hundreds of small towns scattered about.When they first arrived, Carlos Salazar naturally became the groups leader. He was able to guide everyone on a path that lead to the success of Port Salazar. In just 10 years, the small bay-side town grew into bustling port, ripe with trade, travelers, and new people, looking for a fresh start.As the county grew, the Salazar family needed help ruling over the vast lands, and the influx of new citizens. Carlos Salazar was dubbed King Carlos, and he chose his four closest allies and their families to become members of nobility; family Bonemaw, family Ryona, family Stormwood, and family Northvale. Humble manors were built across the land for each of the families to reside in, and around these manors settlements popped up that each family would support. By 1245 they had become full fledge cities, named after each of the noble families.With the population boom came many different types of people, and races. The Salazar family welcomed them to their land with open arms though, as they themselves fled because they had been unwelcome. Humans, Elves, Demons, and Mages are all common among the citizens of Trist, though there are some lesser know races as well.King Carlos and his Council, Bonemaw, Ryona, Northvale, and Stormwood, created The Trist Decree, an extensive document that formed the laws of the land, and how the monarchy would function. It enshrined citizens freedoms; to do what they pleased, to go where they pleased, and be who ever they wanted to be. The king decided to form a volunteer battalion, for those who wished to fight to protect the Kingdom. Finally, the Decree stated who could and could not become king. The king and the council agreed, their descendants should be the ones who rule in the future.In 1249 the decree was published, and from then on only the eldest child born to the current King could become an heir to the throne. So when Salazar died, his eldest son became king, and so on and so forth.


The current ruler of Trist is King Declan. Declan Gallagher came into power after the last of the Salazar family line died off, King Alwyn, shortly after Azamins' War ended. The previous king had no heirs, as all his children died in the war before they could be crowned. So with his dying breath, he proclaimed his best friend and advisor, Declan, to be king with his dying breath.Upon his coronation in 1361, King Declan cast our the previous noble families and replaced them with his own allies. Very quickly, things because to change. Forced enlistment in the battalion began for men, and women seemed to vanish overnight to go work for a noble family. Taxes increased to the point that most of the country now lives in poverty. Citizens who could previously voice their grievances to the King were now met with a stay in the dungeon, and you had to request permission to leave Trist, which was usually denied.Each of the four families has a job or role to fulfil. The nobility in Bonemaw is responsible for military training and organizing. Stormwood is in charge of mining efforts, lumber harvesting, producing building material. Ryona is filled with rich farmlands that produce most of the countries fruit, vegetables, rice, and grains. The capitol, Port Salazar, is where you can find many import and sell your own goods. merchants line the streets, and the port is filled with freshly caught seafood. Finally, Northvale, which was previously a place for scholars to learn, has now become a desolate forest where no one dares to go. Travelers tell tales though, of strange, glowing lights coming from the abandoned castle.


Trist is a large island, surrounded by many smaller island and rocks. This, combined with the rocky archipelago on the east side of the island, blocking the gulf, acts as a natural defense against enemies. choose one of the below regions to learn more!

Azamins War

In the year 1357, there was a rebellion. A demon by the name of Azamin started a militia, recruiting people of all races, with the goal of killing off the royal family and the five noble families, so Azamin could be king.

"A King should be powerful and strong, able to actually protect their people. How can a frail human possibly do that?"

More coming soon.